From Teacher to Data Analyst: Read Alex's Story

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿซ Alex Sanchez: From Teacher to Data Analyst

August 07, 2024โ€ข3 min read

From Teacher to Data Analyst: Read Alex's Story

A high school teacher just landed their first data analyst job in less than two months. How did they do it so quickly?

These three easy, but overlooked areas ๐Ÿ‘‡

๐Ÿ” 1. Focusing on Hybrid Jobs

Remote jobs are sexy. And I get it; they're awesome.

But when you are applying to a remote job, you're widening the competition pool. Anyone can apply for

a remote job. And it's just harder to stand out in a bigger pond.

But in today's market, there's an inefficiency; hybrid work.

Hybrid just means you work in office sometimes, and remotely other times. It's a spectrum. It could be work remotely once a week with four days in the office, or work in the office once a week with the remaining four days from home.

Heck, I've even had students land a "hybrid" job that only requires them to come in once a quarter.

That's 4 times a year.

Hybrid would sound a lot more attractive if they relabeled it to 99% remote ๐Ÿ˜‚

This teacher knew they'd transition faster by ignoring remote jobs & focusing on hybrid roles.

๐Ÿš€ 2. Ignoring Rejection

Here's the harsh truth; you're going to be rejected on your job search.

A lot. Dozens of times. Hundreds of times.

The faster you come to terms with this, the better.

Every "Sorry, we've selected another candidate" brings you closer to "You're hired."

This teacher knew & understood this, and never let rejections lower his confidence.

The same was true for networking.

This teacher networked on LinkedIn with reckless abandon.

They asked a simple question each time they felt fear...

"What's the absolute worst thing that can happen?"

The answer was usually nothing dire,

And this unlocked unlimited confidence.

๐Ÿค 3. A Clear Path

This teacher had been trying to break into data for months with no luck.

They were learning different skills, but not really cementing their knowledge.

After making little to no progress, this teacher knew something had to change.

So they took a chance & joined The Data Analytics Accelerator.

Suddenly, the teacher didn't have to wonder what to do next.

They didn't have to create their own roadmap.

Everything was laid out for them. Step by step.

And they were no longer doing it alone. But instead had 30+

new friends on the exact same journey to relate to.

This teacher is Alejandro Sanchez. And I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing him this

week on The Data Career Podcast. You can listen to our full interview here.

๐Ÿ“Š Want to land a data job in less

than 2 months?

If you want a clear path & a community to help you on your data journey, consider the Data Analytics Accelerator Bootcamp. We are starting a brand new summer cohort on Monday, June 3rd.

Here's what Alejandro said about the bootcamp.

"Join the Data Analytics Accelerator and do every single thing Avery says. He tells you everything you need to do. It gives you the roadmap. I tried to do it beforehand, but I just couldn't do it. And then once I joined, I saw how much more there is to it."

In the bootcamp, you'll get life time access to both all 10 modules & our community.

We'll teach you every skill you need to land a job (Excel, Tableau, SQL, Python, R).

We'll have weekly office hours to make sure you understand every concept.

You'll build custom projects in each of the 10 modules & post all projects on your

LinkedIn, resume, and portfolio.

And, we'll show you the tricks to connecting with recruiters & hiring managers.

PLUS for this cohort only, we are doing 25% off!

As fellow podcast listener, Alejandro says in the episode, "Anyone out there that's thinking about joining the bootcamp? Take the leap."

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