Tim Beecher, a Locksmith turned Data Analyst

πŸ”‘ Tim Beecher: No Experience -> Senior Data Associate

June 24, 2024β€’2 min read

Sick of your current career? You're not alone.

That's exactly how my friend Tim felt. He was cold-calling 100's of disinterested sales prospects one day, and then BOOM – a few weeks later, he's a senior data analyst at a marketing agency working with big names like LinkedIn making TWICE the amount he was making previous.

So what in the h*ck changed?

Well, Tim was making those 100 cold calls a day, trying to sell Better Business Bureau memberships.

The mission: take a stranger’s credit card details by end of a call.

The results: mostly rejection, and buckets of stress.

Tim longed for something more fulfilling. A job where he wouldn't just be dialing for dollars but solving real problems.

That’s when Tim learned about the magical world of data analytics. A field where remote work is common, the pay is good (double that of a good sales week!), and solving puzzles is the name of the game.

Tim started to learn online, but quickly felt overwhelmed by how much there was to learn & how many resources there was. He felt stuck.

That's when he found The Data Analytics Accelerator, our 10-week Data Analyst Bootcamp. He was intrigued because not only did our program offer you skills, but project & networking. Tim was pretty sure that if he was going to convince someone to hire him without experience, he was going to need a network & a portfolio. So he took a chance & joined the program.

He learned Excel, SQL, Tableau, Python & R.

He built a project with each of those & added it to his portfolio.

He networked using techniques taught in the program.

And he started to land interviews.

And guess what? In those interviews, he showed the hiring manager his projects. And they were super impressed. And then he heard those magic words...

"You're hired"

βœ… Doubled his salary.

βœ… Completely remote.

βœ… Making a difference.

And now? He's continuing to learn on the job, except now, he's getting paid to learn.

Tim did it. And you can too.

Tim's story perfectly highlights The SPN Method.

S - Learn the basic skills (nothing advanced)

P - Build projects & have a portfolio

N - Build & use your network

You need all 3 components to land your first data job.

I actually interviewed Tim about his entire journey from salesman to data analyst. You can watch that here (or listen here).

This is the exact method we teach & use inside The Data Analytics Accelerator.

You'll learn every data skill you need to land a job (Excel, Tableau, SQL, Python, R).

You'll have 9+ custom projects to display on an eye-popping portfolio.

And you'll grow your network 10x bigger than it is now.

So click here to learn more & become a data analyst now!

The king of all things data

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